Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The craziest thing I've ever done.... and why Chic Fil A is awesome.

My name is Mary.  And I'm officially a crazy pregnant person.

This pregnancy has been different from my first in every way possible (or so it seems).  My first pregnancy was a complete and total surprise; this one was planned and prayed for.  With Eli I was carefree and naive to all the things that could possibly go wrong; this time I'm reading a book related to being anxious because I can. not. stop. worrying.  The nausea has been worse, I've gagged and puked and gagged some more, I've struggled to cook anything (and eating what I cook is a whole other feat).  It's been hard.  But mostly I've kept my sanity.  Until tonight.

This week and last, I've finally been able to cook and eat what I cook!  SCORE!  I was so proud of myself yesterday when I made dinner, sat at the table and ate everything I had made.  Then, 3.5 hours later I sent the hubs out to get me a salad because we have hardly any food in the house that doesn't require cooking and I was STARVING.  Tonight was a rinse and repeat.

I made chili and corn bread and it was delicious.  Approx 3 hours later, intense hunger struck.  I still haven't made it to the grocery store yet this week, so again, I needed food brought in.  The hubs graciously offered to get whatever I wanted (it's either a blessing or a curse that we live so close to everything).  I decided a kids meal from Chic Fil A would hit the spot.

The hubs ran out and came back, bag of fast food goodness in hand.  I opened the bag and was dismayed to find GRILLED nuggets inside.  I told JP they had messed up the order.  He assured me they had not - that I had told him I wanted grilled nuggets.  Um, no.  How many pregnant ladies do you know that want GRILLED anything?  We went back and forth for a few minutes about what I had ordered, until I told him I couldn't eat those nuggets, and could he please get regular ones.  (Note:  he said that during this time a "hissy fit" was thrown.  I don't remember a hissy fit.  I remember tears.  Please recall, the word "dismayed" was used to describe my feelings upon opening said nuggets.  It seriously didn't feel like a messed up order, it felt like the world was ending).  After he said he'd get the nuggets I did feel a bit of remorse and told him it was ok, I'd be alright.  He must have seen right through that...

So my husband did what any loving husband would do.  He called Chic Fil A.  They were CLOSED (it was 10pm at this point).  He explained the situation and that he'd gotten the wrong thing for his pregnant wife.  They checked to see if they had regular nuggets, they did.  He drove back to the restaurant, they UNLOCKED the doors, and the manager met him with nuggets in hand.  She didn't charge him and told him she'd been pregnant in the past year, and she understood.

JP came home, tossed the nuggets to me and didn't say anything for a few minutes.  I asked him a question and he didn't answer.  He was (understandably) a little perturbed about this whole chicken fiasco.  I decided to eat my nuggets without pushing, and let him come around.  A few minutes ago, he got up, came over, kissed me and told me he loved me and forgave me for being crazy.  (I've got a good husband y'all).

He also told me that this might be the most ridiculous thing I've ever done, and that I should write a blog post about it.  So there you go.  The craziest thing I've ever done, AND reason number 345 of why Chic Fil A is the most amazing place ever.  In the history of the world.

Oh, and I decided to dig through the blog and see if I had record of any hormone induced episodes from when I was pregnant with Eli.  Turns out I did.  Back then I was even hormonal in my sleep.  Good to know it isn't just this baby :)

Edit/full disclosure:  JP read this and said it didn't quite capture my level of craziness.  So apparently, however nuts this makes me seem - I was worse.