Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eli Update

I was thinking the other day about how the title of this blog is Days with the Mays Family, but it's pretty rare that I write much about our family or how we spend our days. It's usually the home for posts about whatever spiritual lesson I've learned (or am learning) or where I write a book review - something along those lines. I decided it was time for a post that is fitting for the title. Besides, how is it even possible that Eli is 6 1/2 weeks old and I haven't written a blog post about him (other than the one about his fall).

So, since this is the first "Eli" post, let's back-track. Eli was born on Saturday, November 26th and was a whopping 9lbs even, and 21.5 inches long. His birth was perfect - long and hard, but perfect. We'd decided to try for a natural, unmedicated birth, and were excited to be able to accomplish this goal, even with back labor and a big boy! I typed out the entire birth story for myself, but will spare the entire detailed story on this blog. (If, however, you are like me and love a good birth story, let me know and I'm happy to email it).

Our first few days in the hospital were such a mix of ups and downs. Eli was an incredibly sleepy baby (like mother, like son) so nursing got off to a rougher start than we would have liked, because he wasn't really very hungry much of the time. Still, he's had no trouble gaining weight and was 10lb 12oz at his 5wk appointment! Despite nursing struggles, we were overjoyed in our first few days to welcome a son and be able to call him by name (after months of Baby Mays, little one, he/she, EliAnna and even an occasional "it"). When we left the hospital, we could not believe that it was real - this child was coming home with us, like, to stay. I remember driving by Monticello High School on our way home and JP saying "Oh yeah, it's Monday, people are in school. It doesn't feel like a weekday, or a weekend, or any other day there has ever been before. It's like life is so different and it seems weird that everyone else is just having another day." That pretty much sums up how we felt for the first few weeks.

We LOVED having JP home on paternity leave for the first two weeks. We were able to get out a bit (in 2hr intervals, based on feedings) and after a few days we even made a rotating shower schedule. Yep, one day he'd shower, the next would be my turn. We received delicious meals from friends, family and coworkers, but it was still a chore to be able to eat together with a crying baby. Countless meals were heated and reheated... and sometimes reheated again while we tried to figure out what was causing the trouble for our sweet little boy. I have NO idea what we would have done without these meals being delivered. Paper plates were also a lifesaver.

The first few days without JP were so SO hard. We eased in with some half days, but it was still pretty intense for a while. The first time he left and it was just the two of us, I was terrified. I was so afraid something would go wrong and I wouldn't know what to do, or that he'd scream all day. I also remember thinking I would never eat again or be able to go to the bathroom when I needed to.

Although my house looked like a tornado hit (I always had this idea that I would have a super clean house while not working - that idea has been squashed), I WAS able to take care of all of Eli's needs and eat (barely). After a week and a half, things settled into more of a rhythm - just in time to be upset by Christmas travels, a trip to the hospital, etc.

Last week Eli was insanely fussy two days, and relatively fussy the other two. I am happy to report though that we've had two really good days so far this week. Here's hoping it continues...

Anyhow, at 6 weeks Eli:

- LOVES his activity mat, especially when he is on his back and can look up at the toys. He squirms and wiggles like crazy and sometimes hits them, which seems to fascinate him. He smiles a lot while on this thing (his first real smile was Dec 29th, it was one of my favorite parenting moments so far). He does tummy time on his mat too, though that it not his favorite.

- is soothed by shaking a pasta box! It's true and my little sister recorded it on video. So funny. Pill bottles, trail mix in a plastic container, running bath water and static on the radio will also do the trick. The other day when running errands Eli got fussy and we searched the radio for a "good static" station. 1200 AM is a safe bet in Cville...

- still prefers sleeping on people or in their arms, but will sleep in a cosleeper beside our bed (not until midnight though. No matter how early we start the routine, he is awake from like 8pm-12am. Night owl - like mother, like son). He also enjoys sleeping in the swing we're borrowing and (usually) in his carseat in the car.

- he LOVES bathtime - until it's time to get out. I think we would stay in the tub for as long as we would let him.

- looks at pictures when I read him stories (mostly because I hold the book in such a position that he has no choice, but still). And yes, I realize he can't understand the stories.

- likes it when I sing to him - he smiles (especially likes Five Little Monkeys and Five Little Speckled Frogs)

- sometimes seems to try to mimic us. We were telling him he was holding his head up "good" and I swear it sounded like he made a "goooo" noise. He did this several times - so cute.

- likes going on walks with his daddy and Ollie, especially before work. JP bundles him all up, puts him in the Bjorn carrier, zips his jacket around Eli and they walk the dog. It usually makes Eli fall back asleep (which means more time for mommy to sleep!). He also really likes his Balboa sling I carry him in (most of the time). Yesterday he slept in it while I did laundry, loaded the dishwasher and had lunch.

He is SUCH a wonderful blessing and has brought us so much joy already. He's also a huge challenge. Having him was, without a doubt, the hardest thing I've ever done, and nursing him comes in second on the "difficult things" list. Then, there are the daily challenges. I regularly have spit up in my hair or on my clothes, I've sang Five Little Monkeys and Five Little Speckled Frogs more times than I can count and live in 2-3 hour cycles that repeat over and over every day and I've used my singsong voice with my husband by accident (and even with my husbands phone alarm). Still, I wouldn't change a thing. I have loved these past six weeks so much and look forward to the many more I get to spend with my sweet little family.

Life is pretty good :D.

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