Monday, July 9, 2012


I haven't been writing on this blog nearly as often as I thought I would this summer.  I've been doing more frequent posts for a blog I contribute to ( - check it out!) and have sort of neglected my own.  I decided to take some time today and write a bit about life in transition.

As I mentioned in my last post, I am no longer a teacher.  I thought that I would joyfully celebrate this - that I'd walk out of my classroom and not look back.  I was so excited to be home with my sweet little boy, I couldn't fathom actually missing teaching.  However, the process has been different than I thought.

The last week of school was hard.  I tearfully said goodbye to my students, the way I always do.  After spending a year with a group of kiddos, you can't help but grow to love them.  And this year, I also worked with a wonderful group of parents who were supportive, appreciative and blessed me greatly as I had my own child (both with gifts, and lots of kind words while I was out and when I returned).  Some of the students I had this year were siblings of children I had taught in years past - which was a lot of fun.  I thoroughly enjoyed building relationships with the families - but it made the end of the year that much harder.

The first few days home were strange.  After running a hundred miles an hour for months trying to keep up with the demands of an infant, a marriage, a demanding job, selling a house and the rest of life's requirements, it was strange to adjust to the slower pace of being a stay at home mom, with no outside employment and no house to prep for sale or moving.  Even though I was so excited to stay home (and still am!) I couldn't help mourning the loss of something I loved, and something I was good at.  (It's also been hard to adjust to a "thankless" job - not that I received tons of thanks as a teacher - but that's for another post).

So that's been one transition.  We've also transitioned out of our place, into my parents, and are in waiting to move to North Carolina next month.  Currently, we don't have a place to live, which is a bit stressful.  I'm trying to rest in the fact that God has provided for our move through the sale of our house and  the tuition/stipend JP is receiving and he will continue to do so.

Life's sort of in a weird state right now - it doesn't quite feel "real".  I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to Charlottesville and all our friends and family here, but I'm also ready to be out of limbo, and to start this next phase.  We'll see how it all unfolds.  In the meantime, prayers for peace would be much appreciated!

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